Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Candylei's Deer Art Critics

Today is misty, cloudy and it's so green outside that you still need sunglasses. After looking at brown for how many months...it's still shocking to look outside. Did I wake up in Ireland?

When I stepped out a bit ago my deer art critics were waiting to see my new daily painting. Look at them lounging around. What a easy job they have. Eat, sleep and run and sleep some more. Kind of like us humans but with a stress factor involved called the clock and taxes.

I ended up just showing them my camera and told them to wait til tomorrow and they didn't flinch...only the camera clicked. There are actually seven deer that get mail at our address. Do we get to claim them on the census form? Age? Gender? I'll let the deer check that part off.

1 comment:

DSS said...

How beautiful!! I rarely see deer, as I'm in the city now, but have always enjoyed watching them.