One fun thing about planters is that you can experiment every year with new color combinations and different plant combinations in hots or cool groups. This one above you can see the focus is really on foliage. It will look drop-dead-gorgeous til the first frost...that is if it is watered regularly. If squirrels plant nut trees in them...pull the tree seedlings out promptly. Since this is a large pot dogs will not likely try to hide toys in it.
On the bottom right is a begonia with it's wild colors. For all those who are interested in begonias go to http://begonias.org/Resources/slideLibrary.htm Begonias have many different leaf shapes and colors. If I had room I would be a collector of begonias.
Leafy and speckled Coladiums are on the bottom left which,with the creamy green and sprinkle of red, adds a bit of coolness to the overall effect. These come in a range of reds and whites, greens and mixtures.
A red-brown phorium plant with it's strapping sword shaped leaves add height and a nice contrast in leaf shapes and adds texture. Phoriums are also known by their common name of New Zealand Flax. To see many different varieties visit http://nzplantpics.com/sfeature_gallery.htm I am only familiar with a few so it was a good site for me.
On the far top right is the very popular annual calibrachoa Million Bells. Prolific bloomers and loaded with flowers these are great for planters and hanging baskets.
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