This charming country porch draws you right up to it. The antique white cupboard I would like myself. A grouping of urns and greens, topiary form and an old weathered birdhouse are delightful. There is a swing on one end and a flag hanging on the other.
Porches are for sipping sweetened iced tea and visiting. In the late afternoons here in the east people do sit on their porches in little towns and watch passerbys and visit. They also enjoy this spring weather before it turns to the dog days of heat and humidity. (We don't want to say it too loud for fear it will hit sooner than expected.) For now we are still giddy from the "lovely" days (as the English say) and full of hope for our budding and blooming gardens and crops. There isn't a better place to daydream than on a summer porch... if you have time.
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