Monday, May 10, 2010

German Iris Flowers Perennials

Usually on Mother's Day's all of my irises are blooming and full of ruffles. (I hope all of you mothers had a wonderful Mother's Day.) Yesterday I had to take pictures of some of them since they are magnificent. Their blue-green sword foliage is some of the first up in spring and the last to die down in the fall. So all around they are a great addition to the gardens. Some bloom in spring and fall now and are called reblooming irises. I do have a few more different varities and I'll try to get their pictures up soon. What is blooming madly in your garden?

Happy Gardening!


Jasmine said...

Our gardenias are about to bloom, we see lots and lots of buds, for some reason they start blooming after everybody else's down here. I'm looking forward to fragrant bouquets at home and at work!

Musings From A French Cottage said...

Beautiful flowers!! I love irises. I have some in my garden too. Those white ones are gorgeous.

Thank you so much for visiting me and for your kind comment!

Now I'm off to read through your your prints!

God Bless,

Swoon with Deb Hodge said...

Such a beautiful blog!
I want to also say thank you for your words of kindness that you left on my Crescendih article.
Thank you so very much, I appreciate you.