Friday, May 7, 2010

West Highland Terrier Painting with vintage feel

Everyone who has a westie dog knows about westie love. They love to be with you and race you to wherever you're running even if it's just to get out of the rain. So the title of this one is "Westie Loves You". The westie face says it all.

I say this one has a shabby, vintage feel because of the choice of colors. Color is important, composition is important, and subject matter is important...I always pick someone or something that I can relate to. Plus I feel the colors are romantic especially if you like white on white decorating.

This painting is 4 x 4 and would make a smiling bright spot on your wall!

For sale on ebay.

1 comment:

jone hallmark said...

Your little Westies are soooo cute!
Thanks for checking out my blog post through CRESCENDOH.....
Charlotte was very sweet to want to add it to her recommendations.
I have made several little wire "bird domes" which are not really cages 'cause I like it when the birds can "fly" in and out......Don't know if I have ever posted them. I need to get back to doing those little things.
Have a great weekend...and Happy Mother's Day, just in case.
xo Jone