Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Designer Plant and Shrub Combinations

I brake for gardens even when my camera is not working properly. It is a feast for the eyes to drink in a lovely mixed border. A combination of shrubs, evergreens, perennials and annuals...can't always see the bulbs in summer, but they've already had their party in the spring when no one can miss them. The above garden is in Maryland where we take gardening seriously. It has green, gray, burgundy, and variegated specimans in a pleasing mixed border.

Then there is boxwood my personal favorite for topiaries, hedges and all year beauty. Look at the pleasing formal design yet they mixed hydrangeas, ornamental grass, and out of the picture is some spirea. Spring, summer, fall and winter are covered in this pleasing design.
Remember the golden designer landscaping rule: 2/3 of garden to be evergreens!


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