Sunday, February 1, 2009

Simplon Oriental Lily Bulbs

Oriental lilies have flowers so large that it puts them on the exotic side of the gardening scale. I tend to like the ones that tower the tallest and look down on you when you're on your knees pulling weeds. You are in grand company.

Some stores lumber/gardening store chains have them for sale now. A bonus of purchasing from a store is that you can see exactly how large the bulbs are and if they are already sending out new roots. More importantly you can see that the lilies are healthy.

I have some white Simplon bulbs to plant in our gardens and it's great to think of companion plants. With white Simplon lilies I like to plant white cosmos at their feet. After the lilies bloom in the summer, the cosmos reach maturity and take over blooming right up til a hard frost. Other options are love-in-a-mist, white cleome or campanulas. Each gardener has their own unique combinations and for that reason gardening will never be dull.

Always improve your soil with compost. Oriental lilies do not like to sit in soggy wet clay. For the wet soggy areas plant cannas or better yet, taro.

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