To go outside is a beautiful thing. All of the roses are waving their heavy perfume. We are drunken on it. Alas the combination of honeysuckle and roses makes one forget alot of things...

What exactly you went outside to get and also that you were to be taking pictures for show off your cottage monday post. Instead you (me really) wander about aimlessly with a camera and stagger about. Natural aroma therapy.
This soap here is so heavenly. It's apricot and freesia. Now that is a combination made in heaven.
The dusky pink rose of mine is a floribunda named Simply marvelous (an understatement) and the magenta garden phlox is Nicky. The variegated lavender is Silver Edged Lavender which is so airy in color and just as fragrant leaves and flowers as the gray leaved lavenders. It still has the lavender colored flowers. I white-washed the clay pot and it instantly had an aged look...like it's one of the old-timers in the garden.
Our sweet little gardener kitten had on strapless rose petal slippers. She had a great time jostling the petals around.
I am linking to "Show off your cottage Monday".
Is anyone else have trouble loading pictures on blogger?
Your flowers are beautiful and your kitten is way too cute. What a little sweetie
Thanks for visiting my blog. What sweet photos you have on todays post. Such a cute kitten
The kitty in the flower pot is so adorable...a definite smile-inducer.
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