Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Nationals Baseball Game

We were given guest tickets to the Washington Nationals baseball game Tuesday night against the Florida Marlins. Woo-hoo Nationals won. We had GREAT seats...6 rows up above the Nationals pit. The ticketed price for the seats were $60.00 and the parking pass was $30.00. Four of us went so that would have been $270.00 if we had to pay for it. But we didn't, we were guests. The stadium is huge and they said there was a little under 20,000 people there. All having a good time and the weather was perfect. Let's play ball.

The top picture is after the presidents race. See George Washington and Teddy there? Abe Lincoln is out of the picture. He was running away from the camera. One always seems to trip another during their races.

Here is one of the NatPack girls and she along with 3 other girls tossed out 2 shirts each. My husband caught one of them. Yes! It has a nice red "W" on it for "Washington Nationals" obviously, but it could also stand for "Westie!" Thank you!

No fly balls or foul balls came our way. Above is when Nationals changed pitchers.

After the game I had to take this picture as we sat in traffic. See the capitol above the freeway in the center? You would never know it is sitting in a beautiful green landscaped area from this picture. Then when I got home I could not go to sleep so I painted. No surprise there.

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