Organic gardeners know that birds are their best friends in combating defoliating insects. It's time to build or buy bird houses for all of these feathered gardeners that will be looking for the perfect place to call home and raise a wee, singing flock. We want it to be our yard, of course, so it's time to be thinking about making the birds cozy and comfy.
The bird houses should be up and ready for "open house" tours by late March. Even better is to have the houses out a little earlier if you can because March is a crazy, busy month for gardeners and sometimes the birds are a bit forgotten in the hub bub of activity. Seedlings of annuals and perennials need planting, tilling the vegetable garden, running around from roses to lavender, and checking on all of the new growth and health is very time consuming.
There are so many adorable, fun bird houses for sale in specialty stores now. Look at the vintage trailer above? How appropriate for these creatures who migrate throughout the seasons and it is much cheaper than a real refurbished trailer.

This custom home above is for the more formal yards. I saw this one for $89. US dollars recently. If you have time it's fun to build bird boxes (less formal, but definitely worthwhile) for under $8. (If you have weathered wood around and a few nails, it's free, just a little labor of love.) Just purchase one board and mark off the lengths, saw and assemble. Simple. Such little effort for a free, chirping, dramatic, opera every morning and afternoon in your own garden theater. For Free Directions here is the link through NCSU. We plan on making a few with our son. If he had his way we would make 100. Kids are so enthusiastic! Great quality for all of us to have.
I love them! Espeically the trailer!!
They had so many cute ones. I will have to put up more pictures soon.
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