Yes, she looks a little scared here when we first got her, but you should see her now, pouncing and prancing all around. Her little sideways walk is cute. Everything about her is cute!
Her name is unofficially "Puffin". I must confess I was rather left out of the naming process and feel that you shouldn't name a kitten after a bird. She should have a more elegant name like "Celia or Cecelia", but she is fluffy and swift so maybe Puffin is good after all. No doubt about it she will like fish.
Sir Salty's chest puffs out because he has so many friends to protect on the farm now. The ducks are about the same size as him.
She is a sweetheart! I'm glad that Sir Salty is okay with her presence. I know that Maddie wouldn't mind a kitten in the family, but the doxie Mr. Bentley would be of a different opinion, I'm sure. For whatever reason, he does love the neighbor's donkeys though!
Puffin is so cute! Keep posting pics...it will be fun watching her grow! :)
Rowena: she looks like a blowfish when she stretchs and arches her back. She's semi-long haired. About a mile away there are donkeys on a farm. We can't hear their braying here.
The Sandy Dog Bakery: Thank you and I'm sure more pictures will show up soon. She is growing so fast!
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