Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Westie Dog Valentine Clothes

We've been having fun around here. Snow seems to put everyone in a laughing, playful mood. The only thing that dampens that spirit is snow in your boots. Your ears can be cold, and your nose, but when your feet get cold it's time to go inside.

Snow is one of those challenging things to paint. I look out the window and am amazed at how the colors change from clouds zipping overhead. The other morning it was 10 degrees here and the playful mood was a bit slower waking up. Even Sir Salty had to just sit a bit and take it all in then he was off to look around. He loves it when it is snowing. I do believe he thinks it's bird feathers falling. He races around searching as if searching for a bird in the snow.

I see the trees lined along the town roads with squirrels nests high above all of the homes. They are all tucked up inside those swinging, leaf baskets warm and cozy. A squirrel must have written the lyrics to rock-a-bye-baby-on-a-tree-top.

Back to Valentine's Day...They have fun party glasses for every occasion and this westie has hers on and just needs a party to go to. This is an oil aceo that I listed on ebay.

Let the party begin!


Ricki Treleaven said...

OMGoodness, Candy that is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!! :D A*D*O*R*A*B*L*E :D

Ricki Jill

Dandy Duke said...

What beautiful artwork you do!

Candylei said...

Thank you both! I love to paint.