Friday, August 15, 2008

Plant combinations for your Garden

Red, burgundy and orange-peach with a little white sparkle in a windowbox.

Tropicals mixed with the easiest plants to grow...ornamental potato vines. Both the burgundy and the lime green are mixed in here.

I love the new plants available to us this year... The coneflowers in the Big Sky group. This one is Sunrise and it opens a darker yellow, but lightens to a pale yellow flower. Pale yellow flowers mix with about any plants. They also go well with burgandy foliage. I put it next to the cape fuschias which are not winter hardy here, but I will take cuttings in the fall to keep over the winter.

These horses love plants, too, and are very curious what is going on over on this side of the fence. They are more interested in carrots and apples than flowers.

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