Thursday, July 31, 2008

Organic Garden Helpers

It takes a small group of dedicated friends to have an organic garden. Here are some of my friends that make this type of gardening a success and a joy. Hey, when your coworkers love you it helps, too.
Above is Sir Salty (our west highland terrier, not the red pepper) who manages the rabbits, groundhogs, squirrels and straying visitors. He is the cheerer upper and the romantic. And see my favorite boots to wear when it's wet! Here I am getting some sedum that I propogated ready to sell. Or should I keep it and plant all of them? The question I was pondering there. I am in love with sedums...all kinds! They are the first to come up in the spring and the last to tuck in for the winter. Their foliage is wonderful. I am a foliage person, but also have one garden area that is totally flopping over with English flowers and roses. I want it all, foliage, flowers, scent, winter interest....and that is why I need so many helpers.

My son and kitties help alot. My son wants to garden even when my back aches from having worked out there all day. Kitty (we now have 3 siamese cats) chases the mice away and also lounges in the gardens which keeps the birds from pecking on the seedlings and vegetables.

The duck family love Japanese beetles, grasshoppers and worms. They also help fertilize and no leaf is left unturned where they waddle.

Mr Frog keeps the mosquitos and flies down to a minimum plus they have a beautiful little story to tell. These are just a few folk and I'll show you my many other helpers shortly. Who helps you in your garden? I want to hear.

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